Doodle Woodyette

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Now I'm a blogger, too!

A letter to Grandma Woody:

Dear Grandma Woody,

This is my first blog. And I'm excited! This is the first time I told my Daddy what to write on my first blog. I sang in front of a thousand people with Jelly Woodyette. But first we went to the Relief Society Room where Mommy usually sings. But this time, I did. Because the teachers told us to.

I helped getting the yogurt out for breakfast this morning. I liked helping. Do you know why? Because... I wanted to! [Ed. note: I wish, I wish, I wish I could describe the cute little giggle she inserted in that statement!]

And now I'm telling Daddy what I want to write.

Love, Doodle Woodyette

UPDATE: Daddy Woody apologizes profusely, and has enabled anonymous commenting. Sorry!


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I can't believe my baby is a blogger. Mama Woody is VERY proud of how much you've learned this year.

I love you, sweetie.
~Mama Woody

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Doodle,

How I love your new blog! And thank you for my lovely letter. I was so proud of you for singing in church and so happy that you gave your Mommy such a lovely Mother's Day. Tell Daddy he's a good boy, and thank you!

Love, Grandma Woody

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Doodle. Them Azkaban guards give me the collywobbles he he he he he.

Love, Jelly.


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