Doodle Woodyette

Monday, September 12, 2005

My First Day of a Haircut

First I went to the barbershop to get a trim. And we also did a bit of school today in our new Wonderwood Academy room, which used to be the family room. And today I got do my first grade book. Today Daddy let us have all the fun. Jelly and I, anyway. Jelly was doing a lot of typing when she had her blog today. [Ed. - Oh, yeah? This is news to me!] And for a snack we had ABC cookies and milk. And Daddy always gets haircuts from Mommy. Which she is a good barber. And, by the way, does that mean I am writing too much? No, I am not!

Well, maybe I am, a bit. But just a teeny, tiny smidge. For as long as everyone knows, I am five years old, but I'm in first grade.

For anybody, I still have long hair since I only got it trimmed today. But first I had to wash it with shampoo and water. And, I have a teeny, tiny, paper doll today. Too bad I didn't get a computer turn today. I think everybody thinks that I'm writing too much, but I'm not! Besides, who would say that I'm writing too much? [Ed. - Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!] Oh, back to my blog:

Here's the last thing: I checked out a lot of books today at the library! And so did Jelly! For the last time, I got my haircut today. But that was only for the last time, and that was my first day of getting a haircut. Ok, I think Daddy's getting tired of writing. Are you, Dad? [Ed. - Oh, noooo. Not me.] I have the last words in my blog. Am I writing too much? [Ed. - Oy.] These are the last words now.

I guess I'm going to say we have a new family room which used to be the living room.




At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My darling Doodle Woodyette,

I hadn't read the blogs for a couple of days and I only saw your letter to me this morning. Thank you so much! I'm glad you wrote to me because now I can tell you how much I enjoy reading about your school, and I just loved hearing about your haircut, which is beautiful. I loved the picture your Mom sent me.

Much love from Grandma Zornes


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